• majotae: Linen curtain
  • caption:カーテンレール部分


  • caption:カーテンレール部分


  • caption:カーテンレール部分


    • majotae: Linen curtain
    • majotae: Linen curtain
    • caption:カーテンレール部分


    • caption:カーテンレール部分


    • caption:カーテンレール部分


    majotae: Linen curtain

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    Cannabis came across this plant at the Clothing, Food, Planting, and Housing Exhibition held in November 2021. In the past, hemp was a plant that protected people's lives in Japan, used as clothing and ritual utensils. These flat curtains are tailored from "majotae majotae," a revived modern fabric made from this hemp. When hung near a window, it gently catches the light, making the white hue appear even more radiant. Also, although it is thin, it has a good weight, which makes it beautiful when draped or swaying in the wind.

    Shoji screens (Japanese paper) were often used around windows, a beautiful way of dealing with light in Japan, where people lived in a lifestyle where the more UV rays they were exposed to, the whiter and whiter We recommend these curtains to those who prefer washable window curtains instead of Japanese paper, which allow you to enjoy the flickering of light & become less soft as they age. This is the first appearance of these curtains.

    <Size> 100cm×200cm



    item description

    This product is managed from both in-store and online inventory. Depending on the timing of your order, there is a possibility that the product will be out of stock and unavailable.

    shipping method

    This product is available for delivery in Japan or in-store pickup.
